
Friday, July 15, 2011

Cheap and Easy

This is one of those post titles that make me worry about the kind of ads it will generate on the blog.  Guess we will just have to wait and see.

Well today was a dreadful day on the scale.  You may recall I swore off the scale for about two weeks.  My hope was that even without the daily (or sometimes hourly) reaffirmation that I could stay on track.  I have discovered that I cannot.  I stepped on the scale today (and I will be honest - I stepped on a few times over the last two weeks) and discovered that I am up one (1) pound!!  Rejoice TV winner hopefuls! 

I know I was not perfect on the diet but I never have been.  I must have been a bit worse than usual I guess.  Those danged Gold Fish crackers got the best of me one weekend!  I have eaten a ton of rabbit food and protein shakes and thought that I was doing better than I am I guess. 

Saturday of last week I had one small victory.  I bought a Snickers bar while I was at the store by myself.  I figured I could eat it and no one would ever know.  I got to the car excited to indulge but began to feel guilty and upset.  I sat the milk chocolate goodness on the seat next to me contemplating what to do with it.  I resisted temptation and took it into the house and had it disposed of (that was just before I went hog wild on some little Gold Fishies). 

I would like to hope that some of the gain or lack of loss is due to some muscle mass.  I have used this excuse in the past but really feel like this time I could have played a part.  If I poke the fat hard enough I can feel muscles in my arm and stomach.  I am sore several days a week now so I am doing something at the gym (will write later about my first experience with Body Pump).  How can I figure out my actual body fat to muscle ratio cheap and easy?  I would like to know if I am losing fat and gaining muscle or just continuing to use the same ol' excuse. 

PS - I just went to the Snickers official website so I could add the link above - big mistake!! Why do those things have to look and taste so good?!

1 comment:

  1. hog wild- jake you blog makes me laugh! Anyways I wanted to tell you today I went on a bike ride today. And I pretty much died. I only did 5 miles...okay 4.5. It was awful. I felt like puking afterwards. I thought of you and your 100 mile bike rides and I was really proud of you. And jealous. Now my big challenge today is campfire circle. Mom made some damn marshmallow brownies.
