
Saturday, April 16, 2011

30 Miles or Bust

BUST - I was so excited about my 30 mile ride last night that I could hardly sleep.  I kept rolling over in bed and would look at the window to see if there was any day light so I could hit the road.  I got to a point I could not take it any more and I got up and dressed and went out the door before the sun came up.  I have a tail light but not a head light, but I knew it was just moments before the sun would rise. 

I decided to ride up to Scottsdale to visit my dad in the quasi-hospital he is at (rehab has a negative connotation).  It was such a nice day and the riding was wonderful.  I enjoyed my time in Tempe seeing all the people making there way to Pat's Run. 

First Flat - At least I found a shady place
to sit and wait for the rescue team.
I made it up to Scottsdale in little over an hour.  I visited with my dad for a while and then started the trek home.  Things were going well - I felt like I could go for quite a while longer.  At 25 miles though the BUST occurred - my first flat.  I am one of those dreaded newbies who is unprepared for such an event.  I had nothing to fix a flat.  To make things worse I had no way of getting a hold of my wife (she went swimming with her cell phone).  I called a neighbor who went over and told Maria and then sent her husband to come get me (thanks JC, was a pleasure meeting you). 

Needless to say the 30 miles was a bust - sort of.  I feel like with my couple of rides intra-week will have me prepared for 40 or more next Saturday.

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